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1940nm Thulium Laser ni nini?

1940nm Thulium Laser:
The 1940nm thulium laser is a high-energy laser device whose working principle is based on the characteristics of the thulium element, producing laser light through the transfer of excitation energy levels. In the field of cosmetics, the 1940nm thulium laser is primarily used for skin ablation, effectively decomposing subcutaneous melanin and aged melanin abnormalities, increasing skin elasticity, and improving fine lines. Athari ya ablation ya laser ya thulium ni muhimu na yenye ufanisi katika kuoza melanin ya subcutaneous.

1940nm Thulium Laser:
Katika uwanja wa vipodozi, laser ya 1940nm Thulium kawaida inafanya kazi katika hali ya wimbi au inayoendelea. Katika hali ya pulsed, laser ya 1940nm Thulium inaweza kufanya kukata sahihi na kufyatua, kama vile kuondoa udhaifu wa uso wa ngozi. Katika hali ya wimbi inayoendelea, hutumiwa kwa hemostasis ya haraka na kukata, kama vile kushughulikia maswala ya ngozi ya kina. The beam diameter of the 1940nm thulium laser is small, featuring high quality and a small diameter, allowing it to be used in conjunction with soft scopes to complete some delicate surgical operations.

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Wakati wa chapisho: Feb-24-2025