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Kaj je 1940nm Thulium laser?

1940nm Thulium Laser:
The 1940nm thulium laser is a high-energy laser device whose working principle is based on the characteristics of the thulium element, producing laser light through the transfer of excitation energy levels. In the field of cosmetics, the 1940nm thulium laser is primarily used for skin ablation, effectively decomposing subcutaneous melanin and aged melanin abnormalities, increasing skin elasticity, and improving fine lines. Učinek ablacije Thulijevega laserja je pomemben in še posebej učinkovit pri razpadu podkožnega melanina.

1940nm Thulium Laser:
Na področju kozmetike 1940Nm Thulium laser običajno deluje v načinu impulznega ali neprekinjenega valov. V impulziranem načinu lahko 1940Nm Thulium laser izvaja natančno rezanje in ablacijo, kot je odstranjevanje nepopolnosti na površini kože. V načinu neprekinjenega valov se uporablja za hitrejšo hemostazo in rezanje, kot je reševanje težav z globoko kožo. The beam diameter of the 1940nm thulium laser is small, featuring high quality and a small diameter, allowing it to be used in conjunction with soft scopes to complete some delicate surgical operations.

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Čas objave: februar-24-2025