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1940nm laser thulium:
Laser Thulium 1940NM minangka piranti laser energi sing dhuwur sing adhedhasar ciri unsur thulium, ngasilake lampu laser, ngasilake lampu laser liwat transfer level energi. Ing bidang kosmetik, laser thulium 1940nm digunakake kanggo ablimasi kulit, kanthi efektif bosok melanin subkutaneus lan kelainan kelenturan kulit, nambah garis alus. The ablation effect of the thulium laser is significant and particularly effective in decomposing subcutaneous melanin.

1940nm laser thulium:
In the field of cosmetics, the 1940nm thulium laser typically operates in pulsed or continuous wave mode. In pulsed mode, the 1940nm thulium laser can perform precise cutting and ablation, such as removing skin surface imperfections. In continuous wave mode, it is used for faster hemostasis and cutting, such as addressing deep skin issues. Diameter balok saka laser Thulium 1940nm cilik cilik lan diameter sing dhuwur, ngidini supaya bisa digunakake karo skop alus kanggo ngrampungake sawetara operasi bedhah sing alus.

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Wektu kirim: Feb-24-2025