Shandong Huamei Technology Co., Ltd.
- (shorted as Huamei)
Located at the Central Business District of Kite-Weifang City, China. Huamei is one of the biggest manufacturer of producing laser beauty machines for 20 years.Huamei is the renowned high-tech company specializing in the development, production, sales, and service of Medical and Aesthetic Devices, including Medical Diode Laser System, Medical Intense Pulsed Light Treatment Systems, Medical Nd: YAG Laser Therapy Systems, Medical Photodynamic Therapy Equipment, and Medical Fractional CO2 Laser Therapy System.
Why Choose Us
Our quality products are distributed to more than 120 countries all over the world. We enjoy sound reputation in the medical and aesthetic field for our durable machines and excellent support service. The company demonstrated the commitment toward the Quality Management System of Medical Devices and has the certification for ISO 13485. Our products are certified by government agencies such as European Commission Notified Body, Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) and Food and Drug Administration (the US). We are an innovative team of scientists, technlogists, and qualified laser engineers eho ensure that our machines meet highest standards of design and quality. with an in depth knowledge of lasers, we can advise you of best products for your needs.